Jul 27 2010

Daddy… can you wash me please.

I just got off the phone with Mom because as I was talking to David,
Cameron was sitting behind me in my office calling.. "Daddy…
Daddy.. Daddy… can you wash me please." I was trying to figure out
what he got into – pens, glue, whatever.  I turned to see him
covered in blood.  "Daddy… Daddy… wash me please".  I LOVE THIS
KID!!! No screaming.. crying… just … uh. oh.

He got a hold of the fiskers paper cutter and gashed his thumb.  At
first I thought we would be heading to Oshawa, but it's not that bad
– deep – but not long enough for one stitch.  Center of his left

I went through the whole bit about blood supposed to be inside and
he was leaking in my office – and he thought he was in trouble for
messing his diaper.  :)

After a good wash and three band-aids – all is good.  Now to wash
the blood from my office.