Jul 31 2010

Nate has good spirits – but still not home

Was hoping he would be home by now, but it doesn't look like it.

He was getting better – they had him on antibiotics through the IV and he was keeping food down.  Last night, however, he started regressing.  He was taken off the IV yesterday and the antibiotics were given orally, so this seemed like a positive step.  However, last night he threw up his dinner and lost his medicine as well.  Over night he threw up two more times.  They may just put him back on IV to continue treatments.


Jul 30 2010

Okay seriously.. a municipal ordinance fine?

I mowed the lawns last Thursday – just before we headed out to my Sister's for the weekend.

I haven't had the chance to mow the lawn since, because Nate went into the hospital and I can't leave Cam alone while I can't hear him to mow.  Not a big deal – wait until his nap this weekend and blitz through it.

Got home last night to find a notice on the door that we will be fined for having grass and weeds over 6 inches.  Don't we live across the street from a fallow field that has growth over two feet in height?  Wow.  Way to go.

Jul 28 2010

Coffee Shop etiquette

What is the polite method of cutting someone off in the drive through line at the coffee shop?

The coffee shop I go to each morning on my way into the office has two entrances to the drive through lane.  One is from the parking lot and the other enters directly from the street.  When you are on the street side, you can't see who is lined up in the drive parking lot.  I always come in through the parking lot because I don't want to block traffic – in the parking lot you kinda expect to be blocked by other customers.  People driving on the road shouldn't have to stop for us caffeine junkies.

This brings me to my morning dilemma  – who do I cut off to get in line?   I can see who is moving and who isn't on the road, so I can easily figure out who was in line before I got there, but they usually can't see me/us so when they think they have the right-of-way, they are probably three or four cars behind all of us.  I usually let one in just so I don't feel guilty – but that doesn't always work.

Even though I am in the right – it still feels bad knowing they think I just cut them off.  It's even better when they start yelling and cursing through their windows.

It's a fantastic way to start the day.


Jul 27 2010

Daddy… can you wash me please.

I just got off the phone with Mom because as I was talking to David,
Cameron was sitting behind me in my office calling.. "Daddy…
Daddy.. Daddy… can you wash me please." I was trying to figure out
what he got into – pens, glue, whatever.  I turned to see him
covered in blood.  "Daddy… Daddy… wash me please".  I LOVE THIS
KID!!! No screaming.. crying… just … uh. oh.

He got a hold of the fiskers paper cutter and gashed his thumb.  At
first I thought we would be heading to Oshawa, but it's not that bad
– deep – but not long enough for one stitch.  Center of his left

I went through the whole bit about blood supposed to be inside and
he was leaking in my office – and he thought he was in trouble for
messing his diaper.  :)

After a good wash and three band-aids – all is good.  Now to wash
the blood from my office.

Jul 26 2010

Nate's back at Sick Kids

Took him in to the Emerg of Sick Kids today – had just got to work when Mic called me.

He was like a wet noodle this morning when he first got up.  Not normal – he just slumped in my arms and if you picked up his arm and droped it – he just let if fall completly limp.  

They kept him in – put him on IV because he was throwing up and not keeping liquids in.

Jul 25 2010

Weekend at Kelly's – Fantastic time. Thanks Kelly!!

Jul 20 2010

Nate on the porch

Jul 17 2010

Sharron and Steve's Wedding

Michelle and I would like to congratulate our friends Sharron and Steve for their Marriage.

 Sharron looks so beautiful – scared, but beautiful!


 The church was an amazing turn-of-the-century building with a pipe organ prominently displayed at the front of the chapel. I baracaded myself on the second level mezzanine to get some bird-eye shots of the service.  There was no air conditioning and the second level was nicely toasty. 



My vantage gave an amazing view of the service and the signing of their marriage certificate.


Once they were officially joined, the church bells rang and they gathered in front of the chapel.  An absolutely wonderful service.

Their reception was fantastic with wonderfully warm family and friends.  Thank you both for sharing your union with us.

Our blessings and best wishes!!



Jul 12 2010

Left him for just a minute with his Uncle….

We turn around and Cam is doing shots.

I don't think Kris will be allowed to babysit anymore.


Just sayin'.

Jul 8 2010
