Oct 19 2009

….they happen in threes. (update)

After reading my last post I realized it sounds like I am really griping, when in reality, I'm not.  I was just trying to note that things do seem to happen in threes.  

The leak in the church could have been a lot worse.  It could have backed right up and done serious damage.  While the same goes for work and here at home.  The water heater at work could have blown last Friday – if that was the case then there would be a lot of water damage to product, equipment and walls.  Here at home, well, we have a concrete floor in the basement and live with spring run off every year, so our basement is used to being hosed down.

It's always amazing to me how things work out.  I don't think I would have even checked our furnace pump if I hadn't been joking about 'waiting for the third'.

Oct 19 2009

….they happen in threes.

Sunday we went to church and I found out that the nursery was moved from the nursery room to a room down the hall because of a flood.  I started poking around and found that the condensation pump on the side of the furnace failed and was overflowing.  I dug out a sopping box from beside the furnace and 'kick' started the pump.  That seemed to do the trick as it started pumping once again.  I suppose that the remaining water in the bottom of the pump became sludge and gummed up the pump.

Today, I found myself mopping up leaked water once again – this time at work.  The water heater seems to have sprung a leak somewhere and was leaking on the second floor – right above the men's washroom.  This water followed a sprinkler head and was dripping on the floor of the men's washroom.  After a quick investigation, I figured I couldn't do much other than turn off the water and mop up the water.

I jokingly said to Michelle I hope we aren't #3.  Karen came over tonight to pick Kris up for darts and again, I joked that I should check the basement.  Not expecting to find anything, I went down.

Our condensation pump is gummed.

So, instead of actually going down and fixing it – I am here bitching blogging about it.


Oh well.