Oct 3 2009

Road Trip!

Tomorrow we are heading into Chatham to visit friends family.

It is approximately three and a half hours one way.  So, we have about 7 hours in the car ahead of us.  Neither of the boys have had to sit in the car that long without breaks, so this will be an experience.

I am expecting to have to make frequent stops if the boys are bored – just to get them out and look around at different scenery – otherwise they may (probably will) get cranky.

Years ago, Michelle and I both loved long car trips.  When we got our first car that is all we did.  We drove to Niagra Falls at 3 in the morning just for something to do.  We talked back then about making our kids come along for the long rides – eventually ending up camping or hiking.  So far, it just hasn't happened.  I know – they are only one and two – but still.  I was expecting a couple long trips in their lives already.

We'll see how they do – and whether we want to torture ourselves again like this.