Jul 26 2007

Who Finds a Bird Anyway?

Here’s a little story of a bird named Cody.
Cody. One Lucky Dude.

Cody was a lost little creature all alone in the world.

Found by chance, in a McDonald’s parking lot by a young couple.

“Is that a real bird? Or did some idiot glue a stuffed bird to their bumper?” I asked, pointing to a brilliant yellow bird perched on an SUV’s back bumper. I slowed the car down as I pulled up next to the vehicle in question.

My wife peered through her window at the vibrant little bird. It was obvious that this was not a native habitant to the area and must have been someone’s pet. Just as I was about to continue on she exclaimed “No – that’s a real bird”.

I threw the car into park and jumped out the door. Leaving my door open and the car running, I approached this hapless animal. At first it didn’t react – it just cocked it’s head at me as I reached out slowly for it. It was about then that the owners of the SUV emerged from the nearby restaurant. Expecting to find something amiss with their vehicle, what with another car parked directly behind and the driver bolting towards their car, they circled around.

“Is this your bird?” I called out to them, this frightened the little guy into jumping down onto the pavement and proceeded to walk under the car.

“Uh – no. Do you know who’s it is?” The other guy asked in a wary voice. He definitely didn’t want to deal with running over a pet – nor climbing under his car to get it.

“No idea. It’s obviously someone’s pet – he isn’t a wild bird.” I started to get on my hands and knees to coax the bird out from under the vehicle. My wife did the same from the opposite side of the car. The owners of the SUV also dropped and the four of us were waving our arms and lying on our sides or backs trying to gain trust from this cornered soul.

After a few minutes, the bird haphazardly chose my wife and flew directly into her face. Half out of self preservation and half out of luck, she caught the bird by bringing her hands quickly to her face to block the attack. With as much self respect and dignity that one can muster lying on their back with a bird flapping between one’s bosom, she wiggled out from under the vehicle.

After procuring a suitable container from the local restaurant (a child’s meal box) we had (kidnapped?) saved the bird from an inhospitable environment.

After a short trip to the local pet store and even briefer conversation about the possibility of keeping the bird, we now have a new addition to our family.

Life – it’s what happens when you aren’t really paying attention.